Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thing 6 - Mashups are What?

McElman_080417_6568_H letter U Shelf Scrabble. Educational Block ?

That's what I think of this mashup thing. The only thing that made some sense was "An example is the use of cartographic data from Google Maps to add location information to real-estate data, thereby creating a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source" from Wikepedia. Perhaps because my sister is trying buying a house and I've been doing the whole real estate, google maps thing. I don't really understand how some guy making a program that takes photos from flickr and spells stuff is a mashup. I guess because one source is taking something from another source to make something new. But you could just go to flickr and do it yourself, granted it would be more work. Maybe I do get it. By this guy making a program on his site, to take something from another site, he's made something new that makes my life easier. That is, if I ever use it.

Well in my trying to use this, I got a little frustrated. I didn't know how to get the HUH? into my blog. I tried copying the html and putting it straght into the compose box of a new post. That didn't work. I did it in the Edit Html box and it just pasted the goobly gunk that I'd copied. I was expecting it to just paste the letters HUH? The only reason I thought of copying the Html, since there weren't any easy insturctions on the Spell with Flickr, was because the few times I've done stuff to my MySpace page I had to do that. Anyway, I tried just copying and pasting the word HUH? and of course that didnt' work. Then I tried putting it in the Edit Html box again and clicked Compose. Ta-da! The HUH? appeared. I never have understood how to make a link or Html very well. I need to take a class.

I like sharing photos online, I think it would be fun to have pics from our programs online so people can see what they missed and try to make it next time. Unfortunately, we have to get permission from the people in the photo and have them sign a release form and its all just too much work. But I don't think this part is really about sharing, its about making something cool from pics you steal from somebody else. I guess I just don't really see the point.

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