Wednesday, February 18, 2009

sniff, hack, achoo, waaaaa

so i was all looking forward to my three day weekend, when i started coughing on thursday. friday i went to the olustee festival in lake city with my sis, bro, and mom. they block off several streets in downtown lake city and have booths of crafts and jewelry and art and lots of yummy fair food. i had a sore throat all day, but otherwise felt fine. i had a corn dog and a crab fritter, which was really delicious. plus a blue rasberry slushie to cool my throat. it was a beautiful day and i got to see some people i grew up with and see their kids (some taller than me!) i got several pair of earrings and my mom bought tons of stuff. i went home and took a nap. the next day was bad.

it was valentine's day and i had baking to do to take goodies to work and i had made up little bags to take to my sisters and friends. that did not happen. i stayed in bed for the next four days. i ventured out once to see my sister on her bday, luckily the other sister who had a bday this weekend (yes two in a row) came to see me. i finally made it back to work today. i'm starting to not feel so hot, more drugs please!


  1. Yo, Beth

    Hope you are feeling better real soon.


  2. You sound so pitiful, you poor thing. Get better soon.
