Sunday, November 1, 2009

wrapping up october

how time gets by me. cat came by work on wednesday and took me to lunch. it was great to catch up and i love a free meal! so homecoming weekend was good. the library float turned out well, and it barely rained while we constructed it. the library was pretty crazy saturday afternoon. i got home in time to watch the second half of the gator game. lots of screaming at the tv. we barely won. sunday's storytime went well. just 15 kids, but fun doing a halloween theme. monday was productive. i met sam at the mall and we had fun looking for an interview outfit for me and for accessories to our halloween costumes (gangster princess and minnie mouse). we had lunch at ruby tuesday and then i went out to dad's to clean. justin has been cleaning up the land and it looks awesome! brian and i played some wii and mom and i talked quilts. the rest of the week at work was jam packed. i have a high school intern i'm in charge of. she is great and learns quickly, but its another thing to do. i have a cookbook i'm in charge of for the library's united way campaign and the recipes are poring in. i have to format them and it takes a bit of time. plus doing the daily schedules. wednesday night i went to cat's and we talked for hours. thursday my ear started to hurt, but i left early friday to spend time in orlando with ishu. she and her husband just bought a house and i wanted to see it. we spent the entire time running errands. it was pretty tiring, but olive is adorable and ishu always makes me laugh. i came home saturday and went straight to karen's to watch the gator game. another close one. every since that hit on the head, tebow hasn't quite been himself. sam has been painting a mural on the wall of karen's nursery. justin and her are about to start trying for a baby, but they are gung ho into getting everything ready. sunday was church, where i taught my first sunday school lesson. then i went to the mall with suzi. her daughter was having a scavenger hunt in the mall for her birthday, so i did a trial run to see if the clues made sense. it was lots of fun! then out to karen and justin's for justin's bday party. yummy food and family fun. monday back to work and trying to finish the cookbook, since we are printing on tuesday morning. i ended up staying up the entire night to finish it. both my ears were killing me by now. i got to work a short day on tuesday, so i went to the dr and got some meds, then went home to bed. i ended up calling in wednesday and staying in bed all day. sam came over with lunch and washed my dishes, which was great as they were starting to smell. friday i had my interview and i think it went well. it'll be a couple of weeks before i know who got it. sam's been interviewing for a lot of jobs lately and i'd rather she gets one. at least i'm already happy doing what i am. friday night was the dance at church i looked pretty cute and sam looked awesome. my brother called just before the dance to say he'd got his mission call. he is going to spend two years in the salt lake city area preaching the gospel. i'm so excited for him and think it will be a wonderful life experience for him. i left around 11 and got some sleep. i went to see suzi's daughter run cross-country and emily was their too, so we got to catch up, which was nice. then i went grocery shopping, made potato salad and paid my bills. a bunch of us met at karen's to watch the game, which was really good and then took trey trick or treating. i dressed up and my family thought it was hilarious. my right ear doesn't seem to want to heal, so i stayed in bed all day sunday. i'm surrounded by six loads of clean laundry and no desire to put it away. i have a very weird schedule this month working lots of weekends but lots of weekdays off. my big things to accomplish this month are organizing the house, most specifically my room and getting to the gym. i got a short talking to by the dr, so i need to make it a priority. that's about it for now. off to sleep now.

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