Tuesday, November 24, 2009

using my talents and my lack there of

so i actually was productive saturday night. i did 3 loads of laundry and put it away as soon as each load was done. amazing! i downloaded audacity and recorded like 7 songs and they sound pretty darn good. i also read a whole book (it was really short, but still).

sunday was church and teaching sunday school. when i was ready to start i had 1 student. i had to go round up people talking in the hallway. it went pretty well. this sunday school thing is harder than i thought, but in a different way. i was afraid of it being all deep and heavy into the scriptures and i feel very inadequate in my knowledge of doctrine. but the lesson plan is really excellent and it is almost too easy. it's covering stuff everybody already knows. so it makes it hard not to be boring. i spice it up with a game and food and stories, but being in front of people doesn't come natural to me. i've learned how to do it. luckily i have friendly faces among my students and just call on them and they do their best to say something. the biggest thing is that it's me that is getting the most out of these lessons. not the teaching, but the learning. i spent two hours preparing for that lesson and read great scriptures and stories and it reminded me of ways i can be a better person. i think that's the point of most of the callings in church.

after church i went to see singin' in the rain with suzi. it was great. there was yummy finger food before hand and the show had real rain. well the fire alarm spickets went off during that number and then came intermission where the crew used a wet/dry vacuum to clean it up. the singing was great and there was lots of dancing (tap!) and kissing. more than i think i've ever seen in one of gcp's shows. after that i went home and read. i was supposed to go to suzi's at 6:30 to scrapbook with her and emily. at 7:20 my alarm went off. i thought, why is my alarm set for 7:20am? i don't have to be anywhere on monday morning until 9:30. wait, that's not the alarm, that's my phone. and suzi's name is flashing on it. oh crap, i fell asleep. it's not morning, it's still sunday night. she and emily had fun laughing at me and told me to get my butt over there. so we scrapbooked (i actually finished 4 pages!) and gabbed of course. then i went home and finished organizing my craft table, well except for the paper. i went through all my stickers (and i have tons!!) and separated them into categories and put them away in my handy dandy sticker binder. only three more parks to scrapbook and my 'ga 2008 camping trip' scrapbook will finally be complete.

monday was the chiropracter, my leg and back are bothering me, stupid sciatic. on the way i threw up. i got about half out of the door which i flung open while almost stopped at a red light and the other half i got on my shirt. i hadn't eaten anything so it wasn't too gross, but still. luckily i had time after my appointment to go home and take another shower and change clothes before i had to be at work. oh the exciting life i lead!

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