Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing 1 - The Creation of a Blog

So for those of you (my friends, enemies etc.) who read this and don't know why I've started a blog, let me enlighten you. NEFLIN a organization that offers classes for library staff (at least that's what I use it for) has started a program called 23 Things. It began in Charoltte, NC and now we're trying it here. The 'things' are different technologies that librarians encounter in their job, usually because patrons ask for our help and we end up looking like idiots because we've never heard of what they're talking about. So over the next few months, I get to try, use, interact, etc. with 23 technologies and blog about them. I have several friends (you know who you are) who have blogs that I follow, so now you have to follow mine. I plan to use the blog for the 23 Things, but also for me to vent, inform, and organize my thoughts. I chose 23 personalities, because they wanted us to put 23 somewhere in the title and because I come from a long line of crazy, so I probably have 23 personalities floating around in me somewhere.

Now for the boring stuff I have to write about my experience to get prizes. (Did I mention if I complete the 23 Things, I could get really cool prizes? Free stuff! Woohoo!) I already had a Blogger account, because my library has a blog and we were asked to get an acoount so we could read the blog and/or participate (check it out So the only hard part of that was to remember what my password was, but I got it on the second try. So then I named the blog. That was the hardest part of all. Then I picked a url which was something I use on occasion, since I'm a girl and work in a library and then my initials. Easy to remember and share. Next was picking a template. I figure I'll change it soon enough to put my own look on it, so it didn't really matter. I like green, so green it is. Now I'm going to register my blog with NEFLIN. If that works, then Thing 1 will have been a rousing success for me. If only all the Things could be this easy. Sigh.


  1. I cant believe that you have a blog. Seems like I am the only person who doesnt have a blog. I hope you win the prize, and remember to split it with me.

  2. Yay for blogging!

    I am so glad you finally created one.
