Tuesday, June 9, 2009

things to do

my aunt ruth passed away at 5am this morning. she's been in a coma for over a week. this gave the family a lot of time to get together and talk about her, hold her hand, and get to know each other better. but now her pain is gone and she has gone back home. the funeral will probably be thursday. well see how it goes.

this weekend i started working for my dad. i started by cleaning his work shop. i spent five hours scrubbing that place. i killed a lot of spiders. and sucked up a lot of sand and spider webs with the shop vac (i so want one). surfaces are now white and the carpet is pink. next time i go out there we will work on organization and throwing crap out. the other part of working for him will be to do web pages. my dad owns his own computer business Computer Aide (http://www.the-computer-aide.com/) and my sister Cat has done the web pages for a few places for him. the town of Ft White, Advent Glassworks, and the Computer Aide site. i hope to improve these sites and do more for the small, rural businesses he does computers and networking for.

i signed up for a class through santa fe's continuing education on creating web pages. its a 6 week course that starts next week. dad's paying for it and i'm excited to learn something new. i really need the money. it was either work for dad with a flexible schedule or go get a part time job. even though this means listening to dad talk computers (he spent 30 minutes saturday showing me a bit about computer programming) i'll make better money and have hours that totally work around my real job as an awesome librarian.

i also need to get started on the invitations for the bridal shower i'm throwing next month. her colors are red and yellow and orange. sunflowers and daisies. i really want to make them by hand. we'll see how that goes too.

i have to work this weekend, which means a program. the last one was on frogs and it was way cool. a coworker brought in tadpoles and frogs and the kids really liked it. i'm not sure what to do this one on.

i just talked to my sister cat and she thinks she is closing on her house this friday. she and her husband bill have been working on getting this house forever. the original closing was april 20th. a very long time ago. but the place is awesome, so i guess its worth it. we want to do fourth of july there, since they have a pool and plenty of room to run around.

i think that's all. thanks to you have been checking up on me and making me feel loved.

1 comment:

  1. I knew Ruth by working life adventures-she had taken a part time kiosk job in the oaks mall at the same time I became a manager of Hoffritz in the same mall. We spent our morning together opening up our respective stores. She quickly became a ray of morning sunshine in my life. It is wonderful to have gotten to share time with Ruth and the World, knowing her or not, will miss her.
