Saturday, December 5, 2009

boys are dumb

i only worked half a day today! sam chauffered me to work and then went to my uncle bob's to clean out her car. the insurance company finally looked at it and claimed it totalled and is sending her a check for $1600! that should help with the buying of a new car. she picked me up after work and then we ran errands. bank, pay rent, return and exchange clothes at the mall, lunch, pick up part of my outfit for the church dance tonight, and take sam to rent a car. now why after a whole week of sharing my car with sam, do my parents decide to go ahead and pay for a rental? dad and brian were in town for brian's last appt with his dietician (he has a genetic disease that is managed by a low protein diet), so dad came over to sign the papers and sam got this cute burnt orange kia. my entire car was filled with all the crap sam carries around in her car, so we transferred that in the rain and a home i went.

now did i take off early to run errands. no of course not. i did it to come clean my house and get ready for the dance tonight. the cleaning for the house guest i was supposed to have this weekend. the dance i was supposed to have a date for. tim and i have been having weekly phone conversations on wednesday nights for a little over a month. we talk for hours! i talked to him the night before thanksgiving. we talked about his visit. i asked him if he was really coming and he said of course. so i call this wednesday no answer. normal, usually i call and he calls back a few minutes later. an hour later i call and leave a message. nothing. thursday night i just ask him to call so i can make plans for my weekend, doesn't matter whether he's coming or not, i'd just like him to call and tell me either way. still nothing. had a slight hope that he would just show up today. no.

so either he's dead (i hope not), he lost his phone (he doesn't have my number written down, but he could have gotten the library's number off the internet) or he changed his mind about coming and didn't want to hurt my feelings. there is of course the fact the maybe he's just a dick and has been jerking me around, but the tim of my past wasn't like that so i'm hoping that's not true. the weird thing is that he is the one who initiated this whole coming to see me thing. he even wanted to come next weekend too. so now i'm wondering if i'll here from him again. and if i do what his excuse will be. oh well, everything works as it should. we broke up for good reasons and this weekend could have been fun, but it would just have made my life more complicated.

i thought about going to the dance, but when i came home i got into my long comfy nightgown and some christmas socks and read myself to sleep. i woke up 30 minutes before the dance and just didn't feel like getting all gussied up and then driving across town in the cold and rain. samantha went and had a pretty good time and won a door prize. a basket full of gift certificates (walmart), coupons (for twilight stuff from torrid and hot topics) and lotion. plus her favorite resturant olive garden catered. my roommate and i ended up watching 4 episodes of castle. she bought the 1st season yesterday. which stinks because that was what i was gonna get her for christmas. funny thing is she thought about giving it to me for christmas! that would have been hilarious if we both opened the same thing come christmas eve! so now i gotta come up with something else.

tomorrow, i was going to take tim to the sugar cane thing at dudley farm and then to watch the gator game with friends. now i get to sleep in, maybe scrapbook, run to publix for spinach dip ingredients and then go watch the gator game with my friends. it's gonna be an intense game! i so hope we win it!! gotta work sunday, have a program on winter. we are making cute penguins out of different sized heart shapes. and i'm working with the new guy, keith. i haven't got to talk to him much yet. he's been in his office a lot. he doesn't know how to do circ, so he hasn't really been scheduled to the desk. i need to teach him some circ stuff, but it is kinda weird to teach the guy who got the job i was up for, how to do basic stuff. then i have monday off (and now that i don't have tim plans, bitter much?) i guess i'll work for dad and decorate for christmas.

here's hoping that i have a fun, productive weekend and the gators kick butt!


  1. he's a poo.

    you're better off.

    but i still want to punch him in the face.

    i love you.

  2. I am in agreement with face punching.

    His loss.

