Saturday, November 7, 2009

country roads, take me home

i learned some cool stuff at my techno class, but it was a bit tedious. i arrived at the class a little early, and read in my car. apparently i didn't shut off my headlights, so when i came out to go to lunch, my battery was dead. a girl from the class gave me a jump. she's not my favorite person, but she was really nice to me. we had some trouble getting it to work. i've never had to jump this car (i was a pro at doing it with my old nova) and we had a very tall and handsome man help us. he was great. he stayed back putting things in his car, but paying attention to us. and only when we'd given up trying, did he swoop in and give us advice. it worked! then i drove around to juice up the battery and get lunch in a drive through. of course i got stopped by a funeral procession and was freaked that my car was gonna die in the middle of the road. luckily i had no problems. the girl even stayed after the class and made sure my car started.

the drive home was good. my sister had asked me to proof her final paper for her physician's assistant degree and i offered to drop it by and eat her food and bring a movie. so in class i looked up a back way to get from orange park to her place. i ended up on some beautiful, middle of nowhere roads, even a few dirt ones, but i got there with no problems! my sister called when i was almost there and asked me to pick up zuchinni. apparently she was attemping to make zuchinni bread and started to shred it, when she realized she had bought cucumber instead. ah such a karen thing to do. she made this new recipe in her new dutch oven. it was cous cous and veggies and chicken and cinnamon. the cinnamon was a little weird. they didn't like it so i got all the leftovers. bonus! we watched last chance harvey and ate zuchinni bread straight from the oven. it was good, but not quite as good as mom's. karen healthified it with applesauce and whole wheat flour. still i had two pieces.

work today was pretty busy during the lunch hours, but has slowed down now. people tailgating i guess, plus its a gorgeous fall day outside. i'm heading over to karen's again to watch the gator game and eat her yummy lasagna. two free dinners in a row! i have my thanksgiving storytime tomorrow. i've got it all planned, now i just have to practice and make an example craft. it's a turkey made from tracing feet and hands. two feet are the body and several hands make the feathers. my will be huge, considering how large my body parts are. the kids turn out so cute, and mine just looks funny. last month it was a spider with hands as the legs, mine wouldn't even stand up.

i have monday, tuesday and wednesday off next week and i'm way excited. i have got to do some housecleaning and put away my laundry. six loads are in baskets and i'll have at least two more clean loads by then. i wonder if i could have a clothes hanging/folding/putting away party and have my friends help? and unbury the craft table. i have to start working on christmas presents and can't do it, if i can't find anything. i came up with a great present for my grandma during the class yesterday. she's mentioned that she's never heard me sing, but she knows i've got a good voice. since i learned how to record and manipulate sound yesterday, i'm gonna try and record myself singing hymns and burn it on a cd for her. i think she'll love it! hopefully i can get sam to do some two, since her voice is even better than mine. then it'll be a joint present and even more special.

the library closes in one minute. HOORAY! Here's hopping the gators win tonight!

1 comment:

  1. let me know if you need help folding/hanging clothes. :) love you!
